When Sellers Conceal Defects

When Sellers Conceal Defects

When Sellers Conceal Defects      Discovering defects in a newly purchased home can be a frustrating and costly experience for any buyer. In Ohio, buyers carry a significant responsibility to inspect the property thoroughly before finalizing the purchase, which can complicate matters if defects are later discovered.      When faced with concealed defects,...

Should I Add Someone to My Deed

Should I Add Someone to My Deed

Should I Add Someone to My Deed?      Deeds are the most frequently utilized real estate tool that is essential to every purchase and sale of real property. A Deed is a physical legal document, which transfers ownership of real property from one person or entity to another. A deed can also be utilized...

What is a Land Contract

What is a Land Contract?

What is a Land Contract?        A land contract is a form of seller financing for a real estate purchase. Similar to a lease, the buyer makes monthly payments to the seller to be credited toward the purchase price. Unlike a lease, the buyer is responsible for maintenance and repairs on the property....

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